Happy couple

Happy couple

Friday, April 29, 2011

Great things are happening.....

Sorry for the break from blogging, I wanted to post an amazing update again and by waiting I am getting to do that... So Abby came home from the hospital on the 12th and things have been pretty dang good. She has still had to be on antibiotics and an anti-viral through her picc line but she is handling the meds well. They make her feel a little yucky but she seems good. The 14th was her Birthday and we celebrated like we always do. But this time is was more special because there was a time in the last 6 months when we didn't know if Abby would have another birthday and she did and it was great. We had a little party with some family and friends she god a lot of great gifts and hugs from people who love her. She even got tickets to a Kenney Chesney concert from her Jake. She was so excited she hit him, it was funny. The concert is in July so she should be good as new for the concert.
Her viral load went up a little so she had to increase the medicine a bit, but now the load is non-detectable as of Wednesday. So we are happy about that, they are going to keep her on treatment doses of the med for another week just to make sure. Also she found out that they will be taking her pancreatic stint out on Friday, if that goes well and there is no more leaking or bleeding they will take out her drains.
May 7th is the last day of her antibiotics so after that the picc line will be removed. And if I dare say it she will be free from all medical "stuff" in her body. This is huge for Abby she has had some sort of line or drain in her body for almost 7 months. She is excited to be able to take a bath again. We might not be able to get her out once she gets in, she has been dying to take a bath especially the days where she is achy.
She did have a skin infection the last couple weeks but that has been resolved so that is good. She is still on blood thinners and will most likely will be on them for a couple more months just in case. But they will take her off the blood thinners for a few days for procedures that she is having on Friday.
Easter Sunday was a great day for Abby, she was able to attend church for the first time in over 6 months. She looked GORGEOUS, she had a new Easter outfit and a cute hat. My mom, Courtney, my daughter and I all wore hats as well which was fun for Easter. My dad spoke in church that day and did an amazing job. It was great to be in there ward and for Abby to see the people who have prayed and fasted for her a lot.
Abby is getting so strong and even she can see a difference. She can get around without help now even up and down the stairs. She gets ready and everything by herself now. She is amazing and amazes us all daily. She also has been driving her car again the last few days. Which is awesome to see her do again and her car is manual so it takes some effort to drive. She also went on a date last week and she really enjoyed that. I think it gives her more motivation to get better and stronger and she is doing it.
We all feel very blessed Abby has had a LONG road and a lot of ups and downs. But now the downs are getting fewer and the ups are hanging around. Abby is such a strong girl and anyone who has seen her lately knows that. She went from being sick in bed to getting around and being beautiful as ever. She is even eating better and keeping food down as well. Hopefully she will just continue to improve more and we know once she gets off all the antibiotics she will feel much better.
Thanks for the continued prayers and thoughts on Abby's behalf we couldn't have done it without all of you. She is alive and well!

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