Happy couple

Happy couple

Monday, April 11, 2011

Well we thought we were done....

So last time I posted it was all happy news I wish I could say the same today. Last week Abby had to cut her trip short because of a very high fever. They came home and went straight to the hospital. She was admitted AGAIN and they ran tests. They found that she was dehydrated and that could be a cause of the fever and she also had a picc line that could have an infection. So they thought they would pull the line and see what happened. Well the line site was hurting a lot so they did a scan and found multiple blood clots in the vein around the line. This was very frustrating, so they had to decide what to do. They started her on blood thinners and tested for infection. They found that she had an infection in her blood from the line. And most likely was caused from the clots. So they started her on a couple of IV antibiotics and an oral one as well. They also found out that the CMV virus was NOT gone like they thought it was. The blood test was wrong, so they had to increase her dose of the nasty antiviral.
So most of that was last Friday so Abby and my parents were pretty down. Abby just is sick of being sick. She hates that she has lost her hair and that her skin is so dry and peeling. She is still beautiful but she doesn't see it.
Today things were a little better, her blood infection seems to be gone. But they will keep her on antibiotics for a month to be on the safe side. Her viral load is way down it was 3.5 last week and today it is under 1. So they were able to cut her dose in half of that nasty med. Her pancreas doesn't seem to be leaking anymore but they can't pull the stint out while she is on blood thinners. So once she is off of the blood thinners they will pull the stint out and watch the drains for a few days or so and if it seems like all is good they will pull the drains.
So the plan is for her to go home tomorrow, that doesn't mean she is all better. She just isn't sick enough to be in the hospital which is great. But she still feels pretty sick and it is a lot of work for my parents at home. This has been a long road for Abby and she just needs this to be over. The complications that is. I hope that this is the last of the complications, this poor girl deserves a break. As of yesterday it has been 6 months, that is too long for anyone to be so sick. I have complete faith that she will make a full recovery but it will take a long time.
My parent's have been by Abby's side this whole time and we try to help when we can. But the most of the burden has been on them. Now that she is going home my parent's realize they can't do it on their own anymore. If any friends and family out there would like to help we would love it. All we are asking is for people to take a few hours each week and just come and be there. So my parent's can run errands and so Abby can have different people around. It will help in her healing process as well. So if you are able and can maybe take a few hours out of your week, please let us know. No medical care is needed just someone to encourage her to eat and drink and walk around and just to lift her spirits. And to give my parent's a break. If you are interested in helping please email me ls.jess@hotmail.com.
Abby has been through so much and she has done it gracefully. I hope that the end is in site, right now she is still doing pretty well. Her labs look good and her organs are functioning like they should. So we know she can do this. But she needs our help to raise her up and keep her going. She has been blessed with some great friends and family who have been there this whole 6 months. So to all who have been there thank you so much. I especially want to give Jake a shout out. You have been great and I truly believe you have been an important part in her healing. So for that I am truly grateful!
Abby your beautiful your hair and skin will get better with time I promise. But either way you are still so beautiful and everyone thinks so. Just keep getting better you have a lot to live for. You are the strongest girl I know, I am amazed by you!
Next post will be all good again I just know it! Thanks again for all the prayers!!

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