Happy couple

Happy couple

Thursday, October 10, 2013

3 Years Later.....

So a few days ago I felt very anxious and didn't know why,  I was on the verge of tears all day and my chest was tight. Then I realized 10/10 is a few days away. 10/10/10 was to say the least a day from HELL. It was a day that feels like a dream because I can't imagine that bad of a day being reality. That being said it also was the day that gave Abby a chance of a normal life. Unfortunately it just was a long hard road for all of us but especially Abby.
So even though that day was the worst day of our lives we are blessed because of it. I think we all learned a lot about prayer and faith. We also learned a lot about love and the love of family and friends. We were blessed to have the outpouring of love from so many people who love Abby.
I will never forget the feeling in my chest and gut when the Doctors said I am sorry she is dying. I felt like my life was spinning out of control I felt sick and sad and very MAD.  My siblings and I felt scared and didn't know what to do. Luckily we had other family there as well and one of my Aunts suggested that we sing hymns. We did and the spirit was instantly there and I felt strangely calm. But as the night went on the outcome was looking worse. Caleb our brother gave Abby a blessing and we were all allowed to see her. Which was probably because the doctors were letting us say goodbye. She was no longer the beautiful Abby who we saw earlier that day she was void of color and 2 times her normal size. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. The Doctors and nurses calmly worked on her as my parents held each other in the corner. I remember thinking my parents cannot watch another child die they just can't.
We were now into the early morning of 10/11/13 and she looked like she was gone. Her pupils were fixed and no response to pain or anything. Courtney decided to call my parents bishop even though it was 2 in the morning. He started a phone tree and had the whole ward praying for our sweet Abby. And at 4:00 A.M I was in the bathroom sick to my stomach when a pounding at the door said come quick. I thought she had died and I didn't want to open the door. Then I heard she opened her eyes. I quickly ran out we went to her room and she was responding to her name. It was nothing short of a miracle, she had been without oxygen for far too long and had gone into major organ failure. She should have died according to all medical knowledge. But she didn't she held on and even though it was a long hard journey with many hiccups along the way she made it. I cry just thinking about all the pain she endured and all the set backs that happened. It makes me realize what a strong person my sister Abby is because she did it and I think she did it pretty gracefully.
I would never wish what our family has been through on anybody. But part of me knows it made us stronger. I love my family so much and know I would be lost without them.
So here we are 3 years later and our family is so blessed! Abby was married to her sweetheart prince charming Jake in May of 2012. They have a sweet pup named Joe. Abby is working on prerequisites for the Nursing program at SLCC and Jake is in school also. They both work at ARUP and seem to enjoy it.
Even though the memories of 10/10/10 leave me feeling nauseated and anxious. I am also very grateful for all the doctors and nurses who didn't give up. For all the prayers and fasting done on Abby's behalf and for the family of the liver donor who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
I love you Abby Jean and so glad you are here with us! Miracles do happen!

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