Happy couple

Happy couple

Friday, February 6, 2015

Hoping and Praying for a Miracle…..

Hey everyone it has been a while since I have updated this blog so here we go. Things have been going well for Abby she has been married almost 3 years now and they both have been working hard with work and school and enjoying married life. There comes  a time in every married couples life where they feel that desire for more. And by more I mean more to love more to care for and more to live for… a BABY.
For most people it is pretty simple you decide to have a baby and then the fun starts of trying. Well for Abby and Jake it isn't simple with having a baby comes the fear of passing on the disease that almost took her life and her brother Caleb's life and did take the life of our brother Jacob along with other family members.
This has been weighing on her mind and Jake's since they got married. They want nothing more than to start a family. Luckily in this day and age there is a way for them to have a healthy baby but it is very expensive. It is called PGD it is an advanced form of IVF where only healthy non-OTC eggs are fertilized and transferred to the mother to be carried to full term.
Abby and Jake want nothing more than to start a family and it breaks my heart that it has to be so complicated. We as their family would support any decision they make regarding having a baby…. Doing it the natural way and hoping for the best outcome, PGD or adoption. We would love a baby they bring into this world no matter what.
As of now they want to try to go for the PGD so that they can end the cycle of OTC. As I stated before it is very expensive so Jake has set up a go fund me account which I linked in this blog click on the red wording to the right of this post "go fund me miracle baby" to donate.
If you can donate please do any amount helps. If you are not able to please keep this cute couple in your prayers.
We know miracles can happen Abby is our miracle and deserves a little miracle of her own. She will be a wonderful mother and Jake will be a wonderful Dad. Let's help their dreams come true.

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