Happy couple

Happy couple

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good News....not bad news this time.

I don't want to jinx things but things are looking good for miss Abby Jean. She still has some issues to overcome but things are moving in the right direction. Her kidney numbers are getting better so that means it is okay. She still isn't making a lot of urine but her body thinks she is dehydrated because all the fluid is not in her vessels but in her tissues. So that is probably why she isn't urinating very much. She is very swollen from the abdomen down. It is hard because she can't move very easily because of the swelling but she needs to move for the swelling to go away. So hopefully that will get better soon.
Her white count is completely normal actually high normal which is good. She has an immune system now so that makes us all a lot less nervous. She has no bone pain which is a miracle, last time she had the neupogen shots she was in so much pain she just cried all day long. So we are very thankful that it didn't happen this time.
All of Abby's other lab work looked good as well. She was moved to the 5th floor today so no more ICU or IMCU. And our hope is that she will never be back there again. The 5th floor is much nicer, big rooms with a nice view. The staff is wonderful and there is a nice pull out couch for my parent's or us sisters to sleep on.
The pancreas and the fluid in her abdomen is still an ongoing battle but time will hopefully resolve that. And of course the swelling but that should go away with time as well. We are all very thankful for the blessings we have received. Abby has had angels on her side and many prayers on her behalf. The prayers are still needed for Abby to get back to normal. It is nice to have more things to be thankful about in our prayers than to ask for. This is a first through this whole ordeal!
My hope tonight is that only good news from here on out! Thanks again for following this long journey!

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