Happy couple

Happy couple

Monday, January 31, 2011

Good news, Bad news....

So the good news is they moved Abby to the IMCU (intermediate care unit) and her white count is going up and she isn't having too much pain either. The Bad news is her kidney isn't doing too well right now. She hasn't been peeing hardly at all but she is drinking a ton and her numbers are creeping up. This is a little worrisome because last week on of the Residents gave Abby contrast for her CT scan which is harmful to the kidney and an antibiotic that is as well. I am sorry but he was an idiot... Anyway so now her kidney isn't doing so well so we are a little worried. She is still so swollen in her legs and feet her legs are weeping.
Also the CMV they thought she had now they are saying she doesn't have it. So that is somewhat aggravating because now we wonder what the fever is. But also it is a relief because one of the meds for the CMV is bad on the kidney's too. We are really starting to think a lot of Abby's issues right now are from medication complications. This has been so frustrating for all of us but especially for Abby. We are trying to stay positive for her, but it is hard. We know she is going to be okay we just thought she would be better by now. It has almost been 4 months and now we are back to worrying about that dang kidney again.
But for now we are all grateful that she isn't having that severe bone pain like last time. We hope things will be on the up and up soon. Thank you to all who fasted for Abby on Sunday we know it helped.

1 comment:

  1. We are still keeping Abby in our prayers here in Oregon. Thank you Jess for keeping this blog going. We love your family. Bob and Michelle Babbel
