Happy couple

Happy couple

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 77 and She is HOME!!!!!

Yup folks that is right she is HOME we cried a lot of happy tears today. She still has a ways to go in her recovery but she is making her way there. The biggest issue right now for Abby is she has NO immune system. So on her lab work her white blood cells are only at 0.75 a normal persons would be much much higher. This is even low for an immune suppressed patient. So they are a little concerned. They don't want her around kids at all and everyone needs to wear a mask around her. But the doctors feel that the hospital is more dangerous for her right now with her low white blood cells. So they felt ok about sending her home but made sure my mom knew what to do to keep Abby well.
Abby is happy to be home but she is also a little nervous for a few reasons. She is nervous about getting around on her own especially because of the stairs. She is also nervous about her immune system and she is worried about catching something. She still feels pretty sick to her stomach and struggles with eating and taking pills. She is still pretty swollen in her legs and feet so that is uncomfortable for her.
But over all she is doing very well, she can walk on her own with out a walker, but still uses one for long distance. She is still a little weak but she is a lot stronger then she was even a week ago.
Abby will need to return to the hospital a lot to check labs especially these next few days. So we hope her white cell count will come up.
So on this Christmas eve we are all very thankful for our Abby and we are so glad she is home where she belongs. We love her so very much and we are thankful for the chance we have to have her in our family. Merry Christmas to all and thank you for keeping Abby in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. What an amazing journey for you all, family is one of the most wonderful things. Very glad she is home and continuing to get stronger, love and hugs to you all!! Merry Christmas!

  2. Yay Abby!!!!! I was overjoyed to see the "Welcome home" sign on your house. Still praying that you will be your old self soon!
