Happy couple

Happy couple

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The good news continues....

So really we have had so many good days since my last post on Tuesday. Abby is doing so well the doctors really think she will be able to be home by Christmas. She had a CT scan on Thursday to make sure she had no more leaks or signs of infection. It came back good, still some pockets of fluid but they are all smaller. And it looks like no new areas of fluid have formed. So she is healing yay! So she is finishing a course of antibiotics she will be done with them on Tuesday so then her line for IV meds will be taken out. She doesn't have to be on dialysis anymore she is making urine on her own so that is awesome! She does have a weird rash on her arms and legs that looks painful but she says it doesn't hurt. So we are just waiting for her pancreas to heal all the way and for her to regain her strength which is coming along. Today she walked to the bathroom with a little help from a walker and Physical therapist but she did all of the walking. It was amazing to watch, she was a little scared about falling but she did it. They will work with her a lot the next few days then she will move to the Rehab floor sometime next week. Where they will just work on her strength, and then she will be HOME!!! So we hope and pray that all continues to go well so Abby will be home for Christmas.
Thank you to those of you that have visited Abby these past few days it has made Abby work harder and keep her spirits up!!
Abby has the best friends and family!

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