Happy couple

Happy couple

Friday, December 10, 2010

Getting stronger...

So sorry it has been a bit since my last post. Abby is doing very well she is just now working on getting stronger. She has been getting up and walking with her walker more. She walked down the hall yesterday which is a good thing. She still has a lot of pain from her pancreas issues and she doesn't have much of an appetite either. Today should be her last day on antibiotics so that is good. Medically she is doing very well her pancreas is an on going issue and just needs time to heal. But her kidney and liver are doing well and her incision seams to be healing better too.
Monday Abby will be moving to the Rehab floor so she will do 3 hours of physical therapy a day. Well it breaks down to 1 hour of PT 1 hour of occupational therapy and 1 hour of some kind of outing or doing something out of her room. This is a major step for Abby and one that may be a little tough but she needs to get stronger so she can come home. They were going to move her to rehab last week but one of her doctors wanted to get her off of the antibiotics first. So Monday is the day. We are hoping that she will only be there 7-10 days then be able to come home. But things don't always happen they way we want them to. So we will hope for the best and pray that she will be home for Christmas. So keep Abby in your prayers that she will have the strength to get home soon. And that she will have less pain so she can work hard. We love you all and appreciate the love and support you have given to our family through this long 2 month journey.

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