Happy couple

Happy couple

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Deja vu

So I am not happy to report that Abby is back in the SICU. For the last few days she has been very confused and not feeling well at all. My parents took her for IV fluid on Monday and she just got worse. Yesterday the home health nurse came and took her vitals her oxygen sats were way to low about 68 so they called the ambulance and she was rushed to the hospital. She is in so much pain from a medication she got last week and she just screams and cries. She is also swollen again and so they did at CT scan. She has a lot of fluid around her lungs and her belly is infected. So they readmitted her to the SICU and started the big guns for antibiotics. One of the antibiotics makes her blood pressure tank so she couldn't have pain meds last night. We all just tried to calm her down best we could but she just woke up screaming in pain and confusion.
We are all very scared right now and feel like we are back to square one. Are hope is once the pain from the neupogen injection goes away that she will start to improve. They are draining the fluid around her lungs today and are going to try and reposition the stomach drains. So we pray that she will be more comfortable and more with it today. And that the infection can be treated. Thank you all for all the love and support. We will keep you all posted!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there guys. I'm so sorry to read about the latest setback. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Lisa M.
