Happy couple

Happy couple

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 33, 34 and part of day 35, the roller coaster continues...

So Friday and Saturday were pretty good days. On Friday day 33 Abby had another drain put in to help drain her abdomen. She also had dialysis again and she had her wound cleaned out a little bit. So it was an exhausting day. But she did well and the doctor's were optimistic about her moving to the transplant floor on Monday.
On Saturday day 34 it was a very good day. Abby had all of her lines out and they put her in a special bed/chair and wheeled her into the lobby. She was able to visit with the kids a little bit. That was very good she has not seen them in 5 weeks it was good for everybody.
Then that brings us to today Sunday day 35. Well we are discouraged, they told us all week that she would be moved to the transplant floor on Monday because she was doing so well. Then today they decided that the dialysis that they were doing which is 3 times a week was not pulling enough fluid off of her. So they are switching her back to continuous dialysis so that means she has to stay in the ICU. This does not make us happy and we are having a hard time staying positive. We really need her kidney to start working. She has had a little bit of urine but not enough. She needs to get all of her excess fluid off. So please keep the prayers coming. We really want her kidney to start working we need it to. We do not want her to have another transplant. So our hope is that they can get some fluid off of her and that her kidney will kick in. We just wish that the dialysis that is only 3 times a week would work for her. So just another set back in this long journey. We know that Abby will fight and make a full recovery we just wish it was happening a little faster. So keep the prayers coming Abby really needs to be comforted right now and so do the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there you guys.... Following the blog it really sounds like things are improving.... Slowly, but still improving. We never stop thinking of all of you and never ever forget to pray for you! You are a tough girl, Abby! You are an inspiration to us! Keep up the good work, all of you!
