Happy couple

Happy couple

Monday, November 22, 2010

Days 42 and 43

Ok so things are better, Day 42 (Sunday) was scary because Abby's liver numbers were elevated and they were having a hard time seeing her Hepatic artery on ultrasound. So they were thinking the worst a clot or the artery collapsing. They took her to the cath lab and found that the artery was narrowed a little bit but there was plenty of blood flow. So that is a major relief, her liver numbers are still a little elevated. But we really think it is from the pancreatitis that was caused from putting the stint in the pancreatic duct. Abby has had some pain but they are trying to control that. They are also limiting her protein and fat intake so they can give her pancreas a break so maybe the inflammation will go down. They also think the liver numbers may be because of a virus that will go away with time. They may go in and dilate her artery in a few weeks if it is still narrowed. But we think the swelling is causing the narrowing so it might get better on its own.
Today day 43 has been a good day for Abby she has had pain and been warn out. But no bad news today and things are looking up. The pancreatic drains are not getting as much fluid out anymore so that is good. She is still making urine and her strength is better from day to day. Abby is such a strong girl it just amazes us all. All of the doctors and nurses are amazed by her grace through all of this. She is so polite and nice and doesn't complain much. Even through the scary moments she doesn't panic and tells us she knows she is going to be okay.
We are hoping that Abby will be moved to the transplant floor either tomorrow or the next day as long as nothing happens. They would have moved her today but there wasn't an open bed. So thank you to all who pray and fast for Abby. We are thankful for all who are helping Abby fight right now. Abby has angels helping her on this side and the other side. So thank you! Abby is loved!


  1. I took Joseph to his liver appointment with Dr. Book last week. We talked about Abby and she wanted me to say Hi and tell you that she is thinking of your family.

  2. That last comment is from Dana, it came up with my daughters name for some reason...
