Happy couple

Happy couple

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 40....

So today has been a very busy day for our Abby. She had a bigger tube put in for her drain in her abdomen. They also adjusted it a bit as well. Then at 3 she went in for a procedure to put a stint in her Pancreatic duct. They were also checking to see what was leaking and if it was the duct they would put the stint in. And it was the duct it had a pretty big tear in it. So that is why all of the digestive enzymes from her pancreas were filling up her abdomen. The procedure went well, they had to intibate her and keep her heavily sedated for it. But they didn't have to cut, they just went through her mouth and to the duct and placed the stint. They were able to extibate her right after she was done so that is good. And she woke up and was ok. She is in a bit of pain because the procedure took close to 3 hours and she was on her stomach the whole time. But we all feel really good about it. There can be some adverse reactions to having the stint like pancreatitis so we will pray that she won't have any of that. They will keep the stint in for 6 weeks and let the duct heal then they will take it out and assess her then to see if she still needs the stint or not. We all hope that this will solve a lot of her issues she is having now. They are still draining fluid off of her but that will stop accumulating now that the stint is in. The pancreatic fluid that is. Her kidney is not completely back yet but it is trying. She is still making urine so that is good. But her kidney numbers still aren't great but they are improving. So hopefully fixing the pancreas will help her kidney as well.
Abby also had to have dialysis today so she is wiped out tonight. Even though this pancreas thing has been a bad hiccup my mom had a good point today. A few weeks ago Abby's liver (the new one) had some dead cells that were needing to slough off. They were somewhat nervous about them causing infection if the body didn't get rid of it fast enough. Well because of the digestive enzyme leaking into her abdominal cavity it probably helped get rid of that. So miracles come in many forms and we will take them as they come. We are just thankful that she is ok and that she is continuing to get better everyday. Hang in there Abby this train will stop soon we promise. Then a new journey will begin, a happier one than ever before. Also I posted some pictures at the bottom of the blog of Abby's field trip to the lobby last Saturday.
Abby can have visitors now even though she is still in the SICU just only 2 at a time and short visits are about all she can do. Afternoon is usually her best time of day and not a whole lot going on then. She is on the 2nd floor in the surgical ICU follow the signs and after the 1st double doors you have to push the intercom to tell them who you are there to visit and then they will have you go back as long as no procedures are going on. And just ask the desk which room is hers. Thank you for all the prayers they are being answered.

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