Happy couple

Happy couple

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 2 post transplant

The Journey continues, today is Tuesday October 12 Abby has made some progress today. The biggest concerns right now is her Kidney and Liver. The liver took a hit when her heart stopped so did the kidney. The liver has some dead cells and her numbers are high which is a bad thing, but they are coming down. The liver doctor said that livers are strong organs and they can regenerate and grow new cells so he is not too worried for now. She can't take the anti-rejection medication yet because of her Kidney issues. If her Kidney isn't working the medicine for anti-rejection would just collect in her Kidney. Abby only has 1 kidney so it might take a little longer than normal to start working again.
They are starting to wean Abby off of the sedation so they can start working on getting her off of the ventilator. When I was in her room today the respitory therapist was suctioning her mouth and the tube. Abby woke up and I mean really woke up and she was scared. I have never seen someone look so terrified and confused. She has to be restrained so she doesn't pull anything out. So she was wanting her hands to be free and she was so confused she didn't understand what was going on. The nurse was telling her that she was waking up from surgery and that she was okay. My mom held her face while I rubbed her legs we tried to calm her down the best we could. But at the time there was about 6 medical personel in the room. We think she thought something was really wrong. They were finally able to give her a medicine to calm her down and they adjusted her legs and other medical equipment that they think was bothering her. I hated seeing her so scared but the nurse assured us that it was a good sign.
My mom and I were talking today about Abby and we thought we needed to clarify something. Medicine was a factor in Abby's decision to have this transplant. But Abby wanted a chance for a normal life a chance to have a baby someday without worrying about getting too sick. She wants to be able to eat protein and to not have to worry about getting a minor flu. With her disorder a minor flu could really be dangerous. She just had to do what she could to have a life she deserved. Even though she is having a rough time right now she still can make a full recovery and have her chance for a mostly normal life. A chance to live the way she wants to live, and who would't want that.
So right now we are just praying that Abby's Kidney and Liver can heal and be in working order. She is moving in the right direction right now and that is amazing. Especially considering the staff who was on the night she was so unstable was surprised to see her the next day. Abby is a fighter and we all know that, so we know she can get through all of this.
We also want to say how great the nurses have been to Abby we have been really impressed with the care she has been recieving. So as of the end of today it has been a pretty good day in this journey we just hope that with each day things continue to get better.

1 comment:

  1. Abby Jean,

    I just want to say I told you so! I told you that you were strong, and would make it through this experience! Remember when i was leaving the hospital? I hugged you, and told you I would see you later. I most definitely will! You are amazing, and you're an inspiration to so many around you. I love you dearly. You are my best friend. Just remember that. Keep it up! You are doing amazingly well cconsidering the ordeal you have put your body through. I have so much faith that you will have so many wonderful experiences in this life. I want you to know that I KNOW that Heavenly Father loves you, but isn't ready for you to come home quite yet. You still have thigns to teach those around you! That's all I can really say right now. I'm waiting for you bestie!

    <3 Jenn
