Happy couple

Happy couple

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 9 Post Transplant.....

Abby has had a tiring day, and will probably sleep well tonight. She had to have a CT scan today to make sure her bowels are ok. The doctors were a little concerened about her bowels because she hasn't been tolerating feedings very well. The CT scan came back just fine, she is just probably not used to the amount of protein that they are giving her through her G-Tube. She is still on the ventilator, we were really hoping to have her off of it today. Her lungs looked a lot better today not as much fluid around them so that is a good sign.
Abby had another round of Dialysis today which wipes her out. The Dialysis helps get off the extra fluid she has so that will help with her breathing issues as well. She was a little less alert today then she has been. But that is explained by her kidney not working. Some of the levels in her blood that are elevated because of her Kidney not working very well cause her to be a little out of it. So we are not too concerned about that. She would respond to us if we said something she wanted to hear. She really was only ignoring the medical personel today. But the nurse she had today was a cute guy who was still very sweet with her. He even joked around with her which probably helped.
When I walked into her room today I said "Abby I have your phone with me and there is an email from Jake on it that he sent last Tuesday, do you want me to read it" Her eyes flew open and she nodded her head and watched me the whole time as I read it. So right now she is tired and her body is working hard to heal itself. So her being sleepy and not responding is just because she wants to be left a lone. And who can blame her I would just want to sleep too.
Abby is a tough girl she has had a rough past 9 days but is showing improvement. Her liver is doing good still so we are happy about that. We all miss our Abby and can't wait to laugh with her. And we know that isn't far away. Abby has a really good attitude and once she is off the ventilator we know she will be laughing with us. After we all cry of course.
We love you Abby keep breathing deep and you will be free from those tubes soon enough!


  1. Jess- I wanted to say thank you for being so amazing for Abby and keeping us update with her progress. I would be there every day if I could and I am glad to be able to hear a little of how she is doing from you.

  2. please tell ABBY that I love her! I pray for her and your family each day. She is an amazing person and so determined to do everything. Thanks for keeping me informed.

    Ciara Tenney

    p.s. i was wondering if it is okay to put her name in the temple here in AZ.

  3. Yes please do Abby needs all of the prayers she can get right now. Thanks!

  4. Keep fighting Abby Jean! You are going to win this battle. So proud of how well you are doing. Remember....I will always love you! (Did you sing it with gusto?!?)
