Happy couple

Happy couple

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 7 Post Transplant....

So it has been a week since the transplant. Abby is still in SICU but things are looking up. She is still on the vent but it looks like she might be able to come off of it soon. She is taking a lot of breaths on her own and is a lot more alert. She had lots of smiles today so that felt so good to see her smile. Her kidney is still not working but the doctors are very optimistic that it will start with time. Her liver numbers are improving so we are happy about that.
Abby responded a lot today to people walking in the room, she smiled with every visitor. She reacted to names and to us showing her pictures. It was really good to have that interaction with her. It feels like forever since we have seen her smile even though it has only been one week. But after the week we have had it felt like forever.
We are all still a little sleep deprived and that is normal after this fight we are all fighting with Abby. But now that things are looking up I hope we all especially my parents will get some rest so we can be here for Abby. As her recovery continues she will need a lot of support. Especially when she is awake more and out of the ICU. But I know it is hard for us to leave her side right now.
That is really all for today not much changed today just small steps forward. But we will take any steps forward. Hopefully tomorrow we will have some big good news. We love our Abby Jean so much and we feel blessed to have her in our lives. This is a journey she does not have to take alone we are here for the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Abby! I know you'll get to read these, and you're probably tired of seeing my comments all the time, but I want you to know that I love you a ton! I'm amzed each and every day by the amount of hardship that you are enduring. It shows me more and more about how to overcome the trials that I'm facing. I'm learning that with the help and support of the family, we can all overcome anything. I am proud to call you my best friend, and I love you! Oh and I can't wait to tell you all of my sappy thoughts in person. Love ya!
