Happy couple

Happy couple

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh Happy Day 14 post transplant....

So it has been 14 days since the transplant and today has been a happy day. The happiest day in 2 weeks. So today Abby was extibated and it went well she has been breathing on her own all day since about 1:00 this afternoon. She looked so much better when we saw her today. She was the most alert I have seen her in 2 weeks, she was watching a movie on TV and stayed awake the whole time I was with her. She was able to whisper to us, her throat is still very sore but she has had a tube down it for 2 weeks so I bet it is sore. She is still very weak and still a little foggy. She still has a hard time moving and it will take time for her muscles to get strong again. She is starting to realize that things went wrong and that is hard to watch. Before she didn't know what was going on, but now she is putting things together. And she is mad and it makes us feel so bad. We don't think she realizes that she has had a transplant because she is still so foggy from her Kidney not working. So she is confused and doesn't understand why this is happening to her so she is mad.
We are so glad to be able to see Abby's beautiful face again without all of the tubes. She seems to be able to tolerate feedings now so she can get stronger with some nourishment. She doesn't seem to be in too much pain but she is agitated. She is acting a little mad at us right now. She probably remembers seeing us standing there while she was hurting and restrained and we weren't doing anything to help her. But I think with time and once she has another round of dialysis or once her kidneys kick in she will be a little more with it and not be so upset. And we might be able to explain a little bit about what happened to her. But for now we just want her to get some rest. I hope she is sleeping well right now. I think our family is sleeping a bit better tonight. Thank you all for the fasting and the prayers. She still has a way to go but she made some big steps today so today we had a little miracle and we feel blessed.

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