Happy couple

Happy couple

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 4 post transplant....

Abby has made some progress today, but some of it has been hard to watch. Abby's liver numbers have been improving with every blood draw. They are still pretty high so we are hoping and praying that they will continue to drop rapidly. They are weaning Abby off of a lot of the sedation and anty-anxiety meds. So that is where the hard part comes in. Abby is a lot more agitated and isn't as calm as she was while sedated. But that is what needs to be done to get Abby breathing on her own. The doctors turned off the ventilator for a bit today to see if Abby would take breaths on her own, and she did. They have also been able to take a lot of her IV lines out and other monitors as well. So that is a very good sign. They have also decreased her blood draws to every 12 hours instead of every 6 hours. The doctors have been very optimistic and believe Abby will continue to recover.
Abby's kidney is still not working so that is another hurdle we have to get over. But again the doctors are optimistic that with time it will start to work. For now the dialysis is getting the toxins out of her body. But like I have said before she can't take the anti-rejection meds until it starts working. So right now we are praying for her kidney to start making urine.
So it has been a pretty good day for Abby she is continuing to make progress in her recovery and for that we feel blessed. Abby is a little more uncomfortable and anxious but it is a necessary evil to get her off of the vent and more responsive.
I have to take a minute now to express how thankful I am for family especially my family. A lot of people have made comments about how great they think it is that my family is so close. I have always thought that all families were as close as we are. But I think we are pretty special Courtney and Caleb have spent every extra minute at the hospital either by Abby's side or waiting with some other members of the family. We have been there for eachother through all of this nightmare. We have cried together and laughed together we have held eachother and helped eachother up when we have completely lost it. We all miss our Abby and long for her to be an active part of our lives again. We know she is going to be laughing with us soon and I can't wait for that. My parent's have always worried about all of the trials we have had to go through and feel guilty and I know they do. But none of us feel cheated at all we have a great family and if anything we are stronger because of the life we have had. We are very blessed to have eachother and especially blessed to have Abby still in our lives.


  1. I have constantly been thinking about Abby and praying every night. I hope for the best for all of you and can't wait to see you.

    Aunt Jean

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with Abby and your family. Thanks for this blog, it is wonderful. Thanks for keeping us posted.

    Lisa M

  3. Our family has been sending a lot of prayers your way. We're so glad to be able to keep in touch through the blog.
    Our love,
    Fred and Penny Roberts and family
